Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

2024 Pacific Rifle Club Prize Meeting

The 2024 Pacific Rifle Club Two-day Prize Meeting was held on Saturday and Sunday, August 10th and 11th with 105 competitors on day-1 and 95 and day-2.  

Saturday’s weather was sunny for the most part with light to moderate winds leading to some excellent scores across the disciplines over double 500 and double 600 yards. 

Native’s member, Bob Crawford, in TR-A came in a close second to Mariners, Charles Arrowsmith.  Rudi Mueler was 2nd in TR-B while Zyden Wiid comfortably won TR-C.  John Stevens won F/TR while Wayne Latham went clean to win Sporter-PC.

The conditions for Sunday were much less favourable and scores tumbled over the double 900 and double 1000 yards distances. 

Native’s Isaac Brinin (TR-A) shot a very creditable 197.12 to finish 3rd while Rudi Mueller’s consistency again placed him 2nd in TR-B.  Zyden Wiid again had a comfortable win in TR-C.  Native’s members Thomas Kitching and Pieter Wiid had a grand tussle for F-Std-B with Thomas winning by 3 central bullseyes.  John Stevens again showed his skills and experience to win F/TR by 9 points. Brett Clarkson was second in Sporter-PCO.

The two-day Grand Aggregate in TR-A went to Ash Bidgood from Crows Nest with Native’s Isaac Brinin in 4th place.  Native’s members Rudi Mueller was 2nd in TR-B and Zyden Wiid won TR-C in a landslide.  Thomas Kitching was 2nd in F-Std-B.  John Stevens dominated F/TR to win by 20 points while Brett Clarkson collected Bronze in Sporter-PCO.

Well done, Natives!

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