Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

800 Yards, 27-07-2024

The sun shone nicely before it clouded over but all the while there was a light wind from 7.30 o’clock (NE) which moved around sufficient to catch the unwary.

Nevertheless, the scores were generally high with four 105 point possibles in TR led by Bob Crawford on 105.17.  In F-Class Open, Anthony Chapman went clean with an excellent 126.14 while David Li (FSA) and Kristine Crawford (F/TR) topped their divisions with nice 125 pointers! In Sporter-PC and Sporter-PCO, Wayne Latham and Brett Clarkson each shot 105 point possibles.

A nice day on the range!

Name:Link to GroupsGrade 2024800 Yards
Target Rifle:   
Crawford, BobClickA105.17
Scott, BruceClickAssoc105.12
Mueller, RudiClickB105.12
Smith, SteveClickA105.10
Teglasi, MirkoClickA104.11
Brinin, IsaacClickA104.09
Cambridge, PiersClickA104.09
Errington, IanClickB104.06
Thompson, DonClickA103.13
Thomas, WarwickClickC101.08
Spence, JamesClickA100.13
Bell, RobertClickB100.10
Crawford, RileyClickB98.03
Menzel, JohnClickB97.04
F/TR: Scope 
Crawford, KristineClickF/TR125.11
Stevens, JohnClickF/TR125.09
Clarkson, BrettClickF/TR124.09
Craick, GordonClickF/TR119.07
Morley, ScottClickF/TR117.07
Ruthven, BradClickF/TR114.07
F-Class Open: Scope 
Chapman, AnthonyClickFO126.14
Constantinou, GeorgeClickFO125.12
Ploch, OliverClickFO125.10
F-Class Standard: Scope 
Li, Jianjun (David)ClickFSA125.16
Blair, WayneClickFSA123.07
Wiid, PieterClickFSB123.05
Davidson, IvorClickFSA122.07
Kitching, ThomasClickFSB121.05
Latham, WayneClickFSA121.04
Latham, WendyClickFSA120.04
Berger, RayClickFSA119.04
Pickles, BrianClickFSB119.04
Menzel, PaulClickFSB118.07
Van Roo, MaxClickFSB116.06
Hedges, AllanClickFSB104.00
Sporter-PC: Scope 
Latham, WayneClickS-PC105.16
Berger, RayClickS-PC101.07
Sporter-PCO: Scope 
Clarkson, BrettClickS-PCO105.10
Ploch, OliverClickS-PCO101.09

Cocks of the Walk at 800 Yards!

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