Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

Natives Rifle Club

Est. 1901

800 Yards, 10-02-2024

Despite a couple of anoying rain showers the light frontal winds led to some outstanding scores at 800 yards with four excellent 105 point possibles in TR-A and an equally excellent 126 point possible in F-TR by Brett Clarkson.

In TR-A grade Jessica Crawford counted out Isaac Brinin and Leigh Marett each on 105.15 with Luke Baker on 105.11.  Great shooting, Natives!

Name:Link to GroupsGrade 2024800 Yards
Target Rifle:   
Brinin, IsaacClickA105.15
Crawford, JessicaClickA105.15
Marett, LeighClickA105.15
Baker, LukeClickA105.11
Whalan, DominicClickB104.15
O’Loghlen, KimClickA104.11
Mueller, RudiClickB104.10
Menzel, JohnClickB102.07
Caske, JohnClickB101.10
Bell, RobertClickB101.07
Thompson, DonClickA100.13
Thomas, WarwickClickC97.05
Wiid, ZydenClickC95.02
Vinter, LyleClickB94.05
F/TR: Scope 
Clarkson, BrettClickF/TR126.10
Morley, ScottClickF/TR121.09
Stevens, JohnClickF/TR121.06
Craick, GordonClickF/TR120.09
F-Class Open: Scope 
Ploch, OliverClickFO124.17
F-Class Standard: Scope 
Blair, WayneClickFSA125.10
Davidson, IvorClickFSA124.08
Van Roo, MaxClickFSB123.10
Ward, DavidClickFSA123.09
Latham, WendyClickFSA123.07
Berger, RayClickFSA119.07
Latham, WayneClickFSA119.06
Ward, MichaelClickFSB116.03
Pickles, BrianClickFSB114.03
Wiid, PieterClickFSB113.05
Sporter-PC Scope 
Berger, RayClickS-PC103.13
Latham, WayneClickS-PC100.07
Sporter- PCO Scope 
Ploch, OliverClickS-PCO103.13

Some of the Cocks of the Walk at 800 Yards!


This is how it’s done, boys! Jessica’s 55.11 at 800 yards.

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